Frequently Asked Questions
These FAQ's spell out the vision of our company. Our passion is to assist our clients in improving the enjoyment of their homes as a result of a well thought out and executed renovation project. We believe that homeownership is a wonderful achievement in life with many benefits and upsides. As odd as it may seem for a home improvement company's vision, we have a strong affinity for assisting families in the pursuit of Homeownership renovating and building their dream home. Our mission is to give back to the community. Please call so that we can better explain our purpose as outlined in these FAQ's. There is a great story and we'd love to share it withi you in greater detail !
What is purpose and vision of ManorV ?
Simply put, our purpose at Manor Ventures is to provide comprehensive residential home improvement and design/build services. In that process our vision is to serve a higher purpose and DO GREAT THINGS BY DOING GOOD (see #02). How? (i) We seek to create jobs by utilizing labor that is either unemployed or underemployed. We provide training and education along the way with the goal of creating permanent employment. (see #03) (ii) We find a home for the home! After decades of providing services to assist those who seek the DREAM OF HOMEOWNERSHIP, we systematically educate and prepare clients to own the homes we renovate or choose from any home available in the marketplace (see #04).
Doing Great by Doing Good... What does that mean?
We absolutely know that our mission, vision and values can all be accomplished by having an unwavering culture in our organization to SIMPLY DO GOOD. Everything else will fall into place in terms of sustaining our organization by doing the right thing. What a way to work each and every day. In the process of doing what we do, ManorV will do our part and strive to beautify and stabilize the local housing market, create jobs in the community, and increase sustainable homeownership.
How many jobs does it take to build a house?
The National Association of Home Builders estimates building 100 homes generates 300 year long jobs. About half of the jobs created are in non-construction fields. If you think about it, when you renovate a home and need a permit, local municipalities generate employment to process and administer permitting and inspections. When you buy drywall and install it, manufacturing and distribution job or jobs are required to produce and ship the materials... not a direct construction job. Our business contributes to economic expansion and job creation.
So what does Manor Ventures do to promote job opportunities?
ManorV and the subcontractors we engage to renovate our homes seek to utilize the labor from unemployment or underemployed ranks. We desire to create ventures with organizations that, within their ranks may have skilled or semi-skilled workers in need of employment. That is who we want to assist us in our projects. The organizations we seek to align with are the Veterans Administration, church organizations, and programs that rehabilitate individuals who have sought to overcome substance abuse challenges (see our Partners in the Process page). Our vision is to create a path to full time employment starting with their efforts on our projects. Just consider all of the tasks involved in a renovation project and the wide range of skills and tasks that it takes to execute a renovation project. If you are in need of employment and have or wish to develop skills related to residential renovation contact us and let's explore potential job opportunities.
If I'm interested in owning a home, what does the program do for me ?
Most people do not realized that there are financing programs that provide for funding the purchase AND renovation of an existing home in need of work. These programs provided for the financing of construction to renovate in advance of occupying your home. That financing then transitions into a typical 30 year mortgage. We can assist you in evaluating and determining if these programs are right for you.
It is a proven fact that homeownership has incredible benefit to both individuals and the community as a whole. Especially for first time homeowners, the process to transition from renting to homeownership can be quite daunting. The ManorV program is designed to educate participants on the vast components of achieving the dream of home ownership. This includes establishing and maintaining sound credit, personal finances and budgeting, understanding mortgage lending, the process of purchasing, homeownership responsibility, environmentally sound green living, and more. Furthermore, we seek to promote through Federal, State and Local governments the creation of programs to encourage and maximize homeownership opportunity. If you have a desire to own a home and want to start the process to become well informed and prepared, our program is for you. We encourage you to call and explore.
How do I seek to join the Manor V team?
If you are seeking employment or have a desire to begin the process to own your own home, just give ManorV a call at 443-506-0566. A simple, brief conversation where you outline your goals will allow us to figure out how you can immediately get plugged in. If you are seeking employment and wish to provide an outline of your experience and targeted type of position, simply send us an email and attach a document or elaborate in the body of the email to
We have a special appreciation for the sacrifice of our United States Military Service personnel. We continuously seek to promote our building service to the families of US Veterans. If you are a veteran an seeking employment of training related to building services, we welcome your outreach to us. Let us see how we can get you plugged in.